It is my students first time attending TR will they know where to go or what to do?
TR Students leaders are excited to connect with first-time guests! At each service, we have an energetic team of volunteers that are ready to host your student and help them know where to go and what to do! They’ll make introductions to other students and leaders. There are TR Students signs and Connections team members to help guide each student. After checking in, your student will experience a service full of fun, high energy worship and a message that is focused on God’s love!
How do I keep up with all that is happening at TR Students?
The best way to know what’s happening with Twin Rivers Students is by following us on Instagram, Twitter and/or Facebook. We’re constantly posting updates on what is happening, what is coming up and what we love the most: sharing what God is doing in the lives of students at Twin Rivers.
We also have a parent email that is sent out on a monthly basis that keeps you in the know of what’s going on each month. If you’re not already getting this email, you can email our student pastor, Derek Curtis, by clicking the button below.
Text updates from TR Students.
Text trstudents to (314) 310-3375 to opt into our text updates.
Can I come with my child?
If you would like to check out one of the TR Student services with your student, stop by our student check-in desk, and one of our team members will be happy to assist you.
Are students allowed to leave the building?
For their safety, once a student checks in with TR Students, we ask that they remain in the venue until the official dismissal from service is given. Once service is over, students are welcome to leave and meet their parents/guardians at your designated meeting place. We provide security volunteers that assist us in helping students be where they should be during our Sunday and Wednesday services.
How can I be involved with Twin Rivers Students?
We never get tired of hearing this question! TR Students works because of the dedication and heart of every one of our volunteers! We offer a variety of areas in which you can serve, such as Auditorium Hosts, Life Group Leaders, TR Student Café Volunteers, Connections, Security, and more.
To get started, we ask that every potential volunteer attend our Connect track. Following these classes, one of our staff members will contact you on your next steps to serving in the student ministry.
Service Times
We offer exciting services for our 6th-12th grade students on Sundays and Wednesday nights. We would love for your student to join us this week! Find the service times for your student below.
South County Campus: Sundays: 11:45am
Jefferson County Campus: Sundays at 10:45am
Is your student graduating soon?
Twin Rivers School of Leadership is an incredible program where your student can receive hands-on leadership training while getting their degree. See if Twin Rivers School of Leadership is right for your student.